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24 Samanthas Way Pittsford NY 14534

Great Location! Pittsford address with lower Henrietta taxes! Great Floor plan(Cambridge II model)! Base price has what you are looking for: Granite kitchen counters, Hardwood floor in Foyer, Kitchen, Dining, Great Rm, Rear Hall. Ceramic in all baths and laundry. Custom ceiling in Great Rm with wall of windows, Gas fireplace, covered 10×14 porch, full 13 course basement with egress window, 31 ft deep garage, stone and vinyl exterior. Low maintenance fees, lots of trees surrounding the buildings., and close to all conveniences include Wegmans! This home can be ready February. Don’t delay, we are over 75% sold. Their is still time to make interior selections.

**The images are of a similar model home and not actual images of this home